Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) Class E-19A


Data from Alvin F Staufer's Baltimore & Ohio Steam and Electric Locomotives (Medina, Ohio) supplied by Allen Stanley from his extensive collection May 2005.

In the same year that the two E-18s were completed as Vanderbilt-firebox oddities (Locobase 4142), another 109 Camelbacks were delivered as Vauclain compounds. Seven more were supplied by Baldwin as simple engines in 1903.

By 1905, compounding was no longer seen as an answer and the entire class was converted to the configuration shown in the specs. As with all Wootten-type fireboxes, the ratios seem skewed but the overall performance is in the middle of the pack.


Class E-19A Specifications
Wheel Arrangement 2-8-0
Gauge Std
Road Numbers 1766-1899, 1939-40. 59-65
Builder Burnham, Williams & Co
Year Built 1900
Cylinders (2) 21" x 30"
Boiler Pressure 200
Driver Diameter 55
Tractive Effort 40893
Grate Area 76
Weight on Drivers 166000
Locomotive Weight 181400